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LYW MAINSTAYS | Earlier this week I heard a critique on therapists, namely, that all therapists do is… talk. It’s true in your typical psychotherapy session, yes, you will talk and therapists will listen, but it isn’t exactly what it seems. We do this because we know that talking and listening heals. Each plays a part in helping therapists and clients develop trust and a bond to usher in healing. Many times this is all that is needed, a warm, committed witness. Other times, something else is looked-for too. I found this in my own practice. Clients wanted to know how to prevent future set-backs or longed for a life they knew how to live. They wanted a road map. The Mainstays philosophy is that roadmap with the ultimate destination of finding your true north. Enjoy the ride, dear!
Recent Words
LYW MAINSTAYS | Earlier this week I heard a critique on therapists, namely, that all therapists do is… talk. It’s true in your typical psychotherapy session, yes, you will talk and therapists will listen, but it isn’t exactly what it seems. We do this because we know that talking and listening heals. Each plays a part in helping therapists and clients develop trust and a bond to usher in healing. Many times this is all that is needed, a warm, committed witness. Other times, something else is looked-for too. I found this in my own practice. Clients wanted to know how to prevent future set-backs or longed for a life they knew how to live. They wanted a road map. The Mainstays philosophy is that roadmap with the ultimate destination of finding your true north. Enjoy the ride, dear!
M O V E M E N T | Developing your Intuition. Yesterday, I went for a walk for nothing but the urge to move. I didn’t know where I was going, how long it would take, or even why I felt the urge in the first place. I just knew I needed to move. After a few minutes of feeling the drum-beat of my shoes on the pavement, I realized I was walking without thought. The urge to move my body, the soft-spoken sensations and slight pulls that lead me on the while I walked was a simple practice of listening to my body/spirit speak, a practice of intuition.
S P I R I T | How do you live well? What does it take? At LYW, we’ve scoured professional journals from multiple professions, read the works, attended the talks, and listened to the words of some of the most curious and “enlightened” people who root out truths and meanings in life. And, the one thing we’ve found over and over again is that service to others always tops the list. It’s built into the LYW Spirit Mainstay and a piece of living well.