The Mainstays IRL Vol. 2


LYW Mainstays | In past posts about the LYW Mainstays, I’ve talked about what it looks like in a single day, but you don’t have to practice each of the Mainstays every day. For example, it’s been an enormously emotional week as we decided to give our dog back to the spirit world, and to have intentionally practiced each of the Mainstays would have missed the moment. A practice one or two of the Mainstays a day can be all that you need to feel well.

Here’s what my practice looked like this week: 
Movement. Long walks reminiscing about our beloved Stanny, quick stretches throughout the day to release tension in my neck and shoulders. 
Rest. Spending time where my Stanny used to rest, allowing my lungs to pump out the grief and for the tears to flow, Staying with the feelings— not doing anything to make them any different than what they are. 
Nourishment. Allowing others to feed me, warm casseroles, macaroni and cheese with double cheese, hot mint tea, herbs to console my heart. 
Nature. Tending to my plants, working outside in the warmth of the afternoon sun, Friday afterschool hikes into the woods. 
Relationships. Daily “Happy Hour” with the kids, Couples therapy with John, Telling Stanny that I love him, over and over again. 
Spirit. Calling for Mercy, Talking with Stanny, Noticing his “winks” at me, Feeling love unimaginable and its healing balm in the midst of pain, Starting new traditions.
Expression. Sharing my grief with you.

Practice how you need to, dear. #liveyourwell