The Mainstays IRL Vol. 3
LYW Mainstays | Good morning, dear! I’ve spent a lot of time rereading, reorganizing and rethinking living well, there’s still a lot more work to do. Although, I am so, so excited and downright happy with where I am in this review phase! I’ve spent a lot of the week in psychology databases and reading other people’s words, and I have to say, it’s been one of the best weeks I’ve had in a long time. I am actually looking forward to more weeks like this!
Here are a few snapshots of my week:
Movement. Hiking the cemetery alone, Spontaneous stretching and pacing to help my body and mind in synch up, Pacing to help give my body what it needs—movement.
Rest. Acupuncture with my favorite doctor lady, Going to bed early, 20 minutes of meditation—most days.
Nourishment. Lots of Pão de queijos, Heaps of roasted vegetables, Cravings for queso fresco y queso oaxaca, Planning a second Sunday Supper with new friends.
Nature. Taking “Happy Hour” outside, Tending my flowers, Hide-and-seek in the woods with the kids.
Relationships. Celebrating 18 years—18 years! with John today! Talking with Stanford with the help of @cindybrody, Missing Stan, Planning Thanksgiving with family, time alone with my thoughts.
Spirit. Creating an altar to honor Stan, Feeling Stan’s continued presence in the house, The sense that I know I am on to something,
Expression. Lots of reading, That giddy feeling and jubilant dance I feel when I read research, The happy impatience with creating something new, This weeks’ show and tell with you.😊
See you next week! #liveyourwell