The Mainstays IRL Vol. 4


LYW Mainstays | Hey everyone! I can’t believe it’s already been a week since I’ve posted on IG and on LYW! The week flew by reading abstracts and research articles and thinking about what I want to write. I loved nearly every second of it.

There were also a number of moments of “preparation” (aka “procrastination) but those were good moments too (the fridge isn’t going to clean itself you know 😉).

Anyway, it’s also rekindled my love of academic language. If you ever want to see me swoon, speak to me like academics do! 🗣💗💗 I’ll put up my favorite quotes in Stories later today and a few other things I loved this week.

Here’s how I lived the Mainstays this week: 
Movement. Long walks outside, short Barre3 exercises most days, working standing up. 
Rest. Early to bed, new meditations with clear quartz crystals (all I can say is: whoa.).
Nourishment. @moonjuice Lazy green broth, @mynewroots vanilla rose apple cider (DM me for the recipes, soooo delicious!), loads of tacos and mole chili. 
Nature. Making a point to go outside everyday, teaching the kids how to take care of plants. 
Relationships. Daily Happy Hour in the hammock with Sawyer, stopping everything to hear August tell me what he needs to say, listening to John give me feedback without retort 😌, feeling what I feel, talking for nearly two hours with an old friend over the phone.
Spirit. Our first Sunday Supper with family, feeding my inner guide, loving-kindness meditations, leaving the light on for Stanford. 
Expression. Preparing for a visit with family, adding the finishing touches to my Halloween costume 🎃, procrastinating to help me get ready for the work ahead, jotting my ideas down, writing a review of the week.

Until next week, dear! #liveyourwell