The Mainstays IRL Vol. 6


LYW Mainstays | Hey Dear! What about this week, eh? It’s been a big one with so many big emotions and so much anticipation for change. I found myself needing more down time than usual as I digested the news of the week and the work of reading and writing for LYW. It can be hard for me to stay on track with what seems like the constant push of urgent news—that—must—be—dealt—with—NOW!, and its affect of a general sense of unease in me. Fortunately, I have also found that writing how I’ve lived the Mainstays quells my unease. As I write, I feel a steady redirection back to myself and the gentle build up of spontaneous happiness, gratitude and pride for what I’ve done. The LYW Mainstays are guidelines for how to live well based on decades of research and millennia of wisdom meant to be tailor-made by you, for you. There’s no right or wrong way to live it.

Here’s how I lived the Mainstays this week: 
Movement. Moving to reduce the mental load of reading and writing; cleaning the house (did you know that if you think of cleaning your house as exercise, you benefit from it as you would a workout— yes, ma’am it’s true!).
Rest. Noticing how difficult it’s been to rest lately; Leaving my phone and computer downstairs and away from me at night.
Nourishment. Bitters in sparkling water; sautéed chanterelle mushrooms in lard (OMG, this made my mouth so happy!); perfecting hot mint chocolate oatmilk; pho for days. 🍲
Nature. Wildfires ablaze in Northern and Southern California; rethinking where to hike this weekend; witnessing the beauty of sunrise and sunsets.
Relationships. Remembering the power of love and political action; attending my first support group ever @genderspectrum; reading @happydailyhippie’s happy posts; saying the hardest thing I thought I could say and now knowing I can live through it (a lesson I learn over and over again); inviting the joyful and scary parts within me into consciousness. 
Spirit. @elizabeth_gilbert_writer writing on imagination in grief (YES!); sending love waves to Thousand Oaks; asking for guidance from my mother’s lineage.
Expression. Making art I want to see; finishing up the latest iteration of the Mainstays. #liveyourwell