The Mainstays IRL Vol. 8


Heya, dear! It’s been quiet over here at LYW as I took time away from work to be with a lot of family for Thanksgiving. It felt so nourishing to take an extended break away from social media, email and phone! It felt so good, I’m going do it again! (around NYE) Taking time away from my everyday tasks and habits relaxed me and made more space to be present with the people I was with. I really wanted to make the most of the short time I had to spend with people whom I love, but don’t get to see often. It’s another benefit I’ve found from living the Mainstays—it’s an awareness I gain from living with an easeful yet focused attention on how I want to live.

Here’s what the Mainstays looked like on my break.
Movement. Mimosa hikes 🥂with family in the tar hills of SoCal; walking all over @disneyland and riding roller coasters.🎢
Rest. Naps during the day; pajamas all day long; the sleep of being in your own bed; massage from Niki Hale @starsalignbodywork.
Nourishment. Homemade cranberry relish, speaking up for what my body needs; 
plate fulls of salads and vegetables after Thanksgiving; noticing when I’ve had enough to eat. 🦃
Nature. Opening all the windows to let fresh air in; taking in big, deep breaths; telling everyone I know about the fires, the skies, and people in California; knowing my connection to all beings. 🌎
Relationships. The drop down-in feeling of being so in love with the people and the place I am in right now; reconnecting with extended family; staying with Sawyer’s big feelings and knowing when I couldn’t any more; planning for more time with family, setting expectations beforehand, allowing for whatever comes up to be shared; telling my family that I love them and I miss them. 🥰
Spirit. Saying “Thank You” over and over again for the rain, fresh air, clear skies; loving-kindness meditations for the fire fighters, first responders and the people affected by the fires in NorCal and SoCal; loving-kindness meditations for the asylum seekers, border patrol officers and the Mexican Federal Police at the US-Mexico border. 🙏🏽
Expression. Noticing when I’m not ready to create, being easy on myself when I’m not.☺️