Moving to Intuition


M O V E M E N T | Developing your Intuition. Yesterday, I went for a walk for nothing but the urge to move. I didn’t know where I was going, how long it would take, or even why I felt the urge in the first place. I just knew I needed to move. After a few minutes of feeling the drum-beat of my shoes on the pavement, I realized I was walking without thought. The urge to move my body, the soft-spoken sensations and slight pulls lead me as I walked was a simple practice of listening to my body speak, a practice of intuition. I smiled at myself for the realization. I spent the rest of the walk listening to my body, and occasionally asking her “do I want to go this way or that? what do I notice about that path? am I feeling pulled or pushed to go that way? what’s happening inside me?” This is what I call “intuitive development.” The act of asking and listening to what your essential self is saying to you.

Each time you practice you increase your receptivity of what your body is telling you and the trust that you’ll know how to understand and respond to it-- you’ll start to know things without thinking and immediately. Walking helped get me there yesterday, but the way back to your inner-most self can be in many different ways, and not just through movement. You can also develop your intuition by sitting quietly with yourself, slowly eating dinner, reading, praying, riding the bus, meditating, working, writing, all the while paying attention to what is happening inside you, listening. #liveyourwell