Why We Eat
N O U R I S H M E N T + S P I R I T | Food.
Food is not merely something we eat. It is a ceaseless reminder that we are mortal, earthbound, hungry, and in need. We are bound by a biological imperative that forever keeps us returning to the soil, plants, animals, and running waters for replenishment. Eating is life. Each time we eat, the soul continues its earthly journey. With every morsel of food swallowed a voice within says, “I choose life. I choose to eat for I yearn for something more.” But what is that something more?... a spiritual source. This is the something more we continually seek... placed within a spiritual context the ultimate goal of eating is to take us fully into the body and beyond the body. -Marc David from Nourishing Wisdom
May you reap all the benefits of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health in the earthly pleasure of food, and with the companionship of your beloveds.
Photo x @mariellevchua