Posts tagged Spirit
Service to Others

S P I R I T | How do you live well? What does it take? At LYW, we’ve scoured professional journals from multiple professions, read the works, attended the talks, and listened to the words of some of the most curious and “enlightened” people who root out truths and meanings in life. And, the one thing we’ve found over and over again is that service to others always tops the list. It’s built into the LYW Spirit Mainstay and a piece of living well.

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S P I R I T | Let yourself be surprised. A divine thought offered by a treasured  therapist today. What if we let ourselves be surprised? What if we gave permission to our brain to not have to figure it all out, let if off the hook?

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Life Changes

Seven years ago, I came upon an article that changed the course of my career. The title was “Lifestyle and Mental Health.” At the time I was feeling bored and tired of sitting and talking with people one-on-one in a room. The weird thing was I adored my clients. Truly. I fell in love with each one of them.

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