Spirit only knows feeling

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Spirit, with a capital S, “it knows only feeling.” That’s what I was told over and over and over again @twobunchpalms with Shaman Dani today. She kept telling me this because throughout the course of our session I kept thinking, explaining, and “phrasing” my experience.

My thinking mind took over and I couldn’t pay attention to what I felt. I was trying to make sense of what I felt by labeling, rationalizing and distancing myself from what I felt (note to self: what you feel happens in your body not in your head) From my work with her I learned, once again, that it doesn’t have to be this way. I can feel what I feel without words or concepts, and I can stay with the feeling. “The Spirit only knows feeling.” I can do that!

I can feel what I feel without words or concepts, and I can stay with the feeling.

Easier said than done. I have dedicated my life to learning words and developing concepts for the benefit of others, so unlearning or relearning “words” or “concepts,” even staying with the feeling challenges me at times. “That’s the journey,” Shaman Dani said. That’s my journey.

I didn’t know what to expect from my time with Shaman Dani, but the best part was seeing and spending time with the little girl in me who’s been waiting for my undivided attention. No words there, just feeling. Oh, and one more thing, women can be Shaman too!  #bodytalk #liveyourwell