LYW Womxn’s Bodies | Sexual Assault & Violence. Today is the first and only hearing without a rigorous investigation of the sexual allegations against the President’s nominee.
Read MoreR E L A T I O N S H I P S | Love. “Love is not enough” was a phrase I heard recently @gender_spectrum conference this past summer and rang in my head after a public argument with a family member.
Read MoreN O U R I S H M E N T + R E L A T I O N S H I P S | Health at Every Size. A way of eating, a way of loving your whole body.
Read MoreR E L A T I O N S H I P S | Birthday gratitude. Today is my birthday 🎉 and I’m spending it in one of my favorite places in the world, Central Oregon @blackbutteranch. For the past several years, I spend my morning thanking the people in my life who give my life meaning, purpose, ease and comfort.
Read MoreN A T U R E + R E L A T I O N S H I P S | Interconnectedness. I feel we have to begin standing our ground in the places we love. I think that we have to demand that concern for the land, concern for the Earth, and this extension of community that we've been speaking of, is not marginal - in the same way that women's rights are not marginal, in the same way that rights for children are not marginal. There is no separation between the health of human beings and the health of the land. It is all part of a compassionate view of the world. — Terry Tempest Williams
Steps Toward Greater Racial Sensitivity. Nia Wilson, a young black woman was murdered on Sunday by a white man on a BART station platform. Her sister was harmed too by the same man.
Read MoreR E L A T I O N S H I P S | Care giving. My father-in-law is still in the hospital, his heart will not stay regulated. Everyday my mother-in-law leaves early in the morning and comes home late at night from the hospital.
Read MoreE X P R E S S I O N | Bibliotherapy. An intervention in mental health taken up by a range of helpers like therapists, health coaches, medical doctors and bibliophiles.
Read MoreSeven years ago, I came upon an article that changed the course of my career. The title was “Lifestyle and Mental Health.” At the time I was feeling bored and tired of sitting and talking with people one-on-one in a room. The weird thing was I adored my clients. Truly. I fell in love with each one of them.
Read MoreI love when one of favorite times of the year also includes a favorite psychological science story…
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