E X P R E S S I O N | Creativity, in any form. Brought on by R E S T and
M O V E M E N T. Yoga, meditation, walking or even dancing can take you to the portal of your self-expression and wellbeing.
E X P R E S S I O N | Music. 🎶 An ancient mood-altering modality with new physiological understanding. Music is almost everywhere we go— in our cars, grocery stores, “that cute little shop down the street,” gyms, spas, parties, airports, farmer’s markets—playlists abound, and present at each rite of passage from birthdays to funerals.
Read MoreConversation with Dr. Valerie Correa, Psychologist and Marriage and Family Therapist
The year before discovering she had acute myeloid leukemia, Val had already dreamt of a scenario in which she would live in a cabin on the grounds of a cancer retreat center founded by her. She planned to retire there and to live amongst the survivors in her cabin. Little did she know, however, that what she envisioned was prescient; within a year, she would be diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia with a formidable prognosis. She was as close to death as any of the oncology doctors had ever seen in a new patient and needed to begin treatment immediately.
Read MoreE X P R E S S I O N | Bibliotherapy. An intervention in mental health taken up by a range of helpers like therapists, health coaches, medical doctors and bibliophiles.
Read MoreSeven years ago, I came upon an article that changed the course of my career. The title was “Lifestyle and Mental Health.” At the time I was feeling bored and tired of sitting and talking with people one-on-one in a room. The weird thing was I adored my clients. Truly. I fell in love with each one of them.
Read MoreIt’s up! Today, I’m finally releasing my website www.liveyourwell.co! It feels like forever and a step.
Read MoreReading & Writing. I wouldn’t say I’ve always been a reader, I much preferred watching TV most of my life. College opened me up to reading but wasn’t until graduate school that the love of reading to really took hold…
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